R.Kevin Stewart 氏、逝く

Posted By 秋山孝二
Categoirzed Under: 日記



 STEWART, Richard K. “Kevin” 49, of Hopkinton, formerly of Salem, OR, passed away on Saturday, October 1, 2011, at the Rose Monahan Hospice House in Worcester, after a brave battle with brain cancer.

 An avid fisherman and Red Sox fan, Kevin lived in Japan for two years and maintained friendships around the world. After working for many years in the import/export field, Kevin founded Health Tech Export Associates in 2004. He grew his business into a successful enterprise, connecting US and European human and veterinary health product companies with interested customers in Japan. Most importantly, Kevin was a beloved and devoted father, husband, son, brother, neighbor, and friend who touched many lives. Kevin is survived by his children, Isla, Aidan, and Carlin Stewart, and his wife, Maria (Baute) Stewart, of Hopkinton, MA, his parents, Richard and Dorothy Stewart of Escondido, CA, his sister, Paula (Stewart) Brust and her husband Kirk of Escondido, CA, and six nieces and nephews.

 Visitation will be held on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, from 4-8 p.m. at the Chesmore Funeral Home(www.ChesmoreFuneralHome.com) of Holliston, 854 Washington Street.

  A funeral service will take place on Thursday, October 6, 2011, at 10 a.m., at the First Congregational Church of Holliston, 725 Washington St. Burial will follow in Lake Grove Cemetery in Holliston. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in memory of R. Kevin Stewart to either Caring Bridge at: www.caringbridge.org or to the National Brain Tumor Society at: www.braintumor.org

Published in The Boston Globe on October 3, 2011~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


 Kevin は、私の海外ネットワーク構築の大恩人であり、未だにこの事実を受け入れることが出来ません。


 10日程まえに、ホスピス「Rose Monahan Hospice Home」に移られて、Kevinのホスピスのサイト(http://www.vnacarenetwork.org/services/hospice/rose)から、私のアメリカの友人が下記の妻・Mariaさんの記事を見つけてくれていました。末期を迎えている彼の状況と家族の優しさが伝わってきます。つらい記事ですが、彼の回復を祈っていた矢先でした。

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~引用 はじまり

 Kevin apdate Hi, all:

Just a quick note to, once again, THANK YOU for all of the love and support
you channel to us through this website.  Although Kevin was on hospice at
home, the move to the hospice house was really better for him and for our
family.  I think, in my head, I know this, but in my heart, the idea of him
leaving our home and not coming back has been very difficult and I’ve
questioned the decision so much.

Today, after a Kevin had a very restless night, we made the journey to the
Rose Monahan hospice home in Worcester, MA.  He tolerated the ambulance ride
well, and in fact, although he slept through it, he held my hand the entire
trip.  I was his wife again!

When we got here, the people who work in this place made him comfortable and
got him (and me) settled in a room with a gorgeous view of Coe’s Pond with
authority, kindness, and compassion.  I have had a more peaceful day with
him here than we’ve had in several weeks.  I know now that I made the right
decision, and that when the kids see him here, they, too, will be at peace.

He is able to have visitors from 9 am - 8 pm and to receive mail, so the
address is:

Kevin Stewart
c/o Rose Monahan Hospice Home
10 Judith Road
Worcester, MA 01602-3213

If you would like to visit with Kevin, I would welcome it, as I know he
would. It would probably be best to let us get through the weekend first, so
that he can really get acclimated.  I would just ask that you call me first
so that I can give you a sense of how he’s doing.  My cell is 0000,
and I promise to try to be good about checking messages / returning calls.
 He may sleep through your visit, but I know he can hear you.  If you prefer
to send messages to him, know that I am reading him your CaringBridge posts.

I don’t typically get religious in these posts, but the love and support you
have given us has been God’s grace in practice, and our family will never,
ever forget it.

With love and thanks,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~引用 おわり



3 Responses to “R.Kevin Stewart 氏、逝く”

  1. 秋山孝二の部屋 » Blog Archive » ありがとう、Kevin ! Says:

    [...] Stewart:http://blog.akiyama-foundation.org/weblog/?p=10343、http://blog.akiyama-foundation.org/weblog/?p=10482」を偲ぶ、「ありがとう、Kevin [...]

  2. 秋山孝二の部屋 » Blog Archive » KEVIN in my mind ! Says:

    [...] * http://blog.akiyama-foundation.org/weblog/?p=10343 [...]

  3. 秋山孝二の部屋 » Blog Archive » Carlin & Aiden, 卒業おめでとう! Says:

    [...] * 秋山孝二の部屋 » Blog Archive » R.Kevin Stewart 氏、逝く (akiyama-foundation.org) [...]